DFC10252 Problem Solving and Program Design

PROBLEM SOLVING AND PROGRAM DESIGN introduces the techniques in problem solving and program design. The concepts learned in this course can be applied to many of the real life problems which can be solved by writing computer programs. A multiphase program development life cycle and two basic phases of problem solving and program design are emphasized. Problem analysis and the stepwise specification of the algorithms, pseudo code and flow chart are also defined.

DFC10263 Computer Architecture

COMPUTER ARCHITECTURE is an introduction to overall of a computer system, computer systems organization, low level programming and the hardware/ software interfaces. The organisation of the components in the computer architecture which make up a computer system and the meaning of the operations which guide its function. It defines what is seen on the machine interface, which is targeted by programming languages and their compilers. It is the basic computer machinery skills needed to progress to the next level of computer system. Continuation of foundational knowledge in computer system and technology which is a part of the requirement in the body of knowledge in Information Technology field.

DFC10273 Operating System

OPERATING SYSTEM introduces the design and implementation of operating systems. This course will cover briefly the evolution and major components of operating system. Particular emphasis will be given to three major OS subsystems; memory management, processes management, file systems and operating systems in mobile devices today that supporting distributed systems.